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Early Childhood Peers 2020

James I. Gibson Elementary School is pleased to announce a preschool opportunity for children, ages three, four and five, within our community. This unique experience will provide age-appropriate preschool instruction for the children, in a learning environment with preschool students with disabilities. This opportunity will enable your child to receive valuable preschool instruction, as well as provide the students with disabilities age-appropriate role models. Parents will be required to transport to and from school and ensure that attendance is consistent, with the exception of illness.

Our school will be offering two different preschool programs. The KIDS program will be offered Monday – Friday from 7:45 am to 2:11 am. Schuyler Marks-Paulson will be instructing the students in this class assisted by two instructional assistants. The Early Childhood Inclusion program will have 2 different sessions: an A.M. class from 7:45 am - 10:15 am and a P.M. class from 11:40 am - 2:11 pm. Megan Curry will be instructing the students in these classes assisted by one instructional assistant. Enrollment is limited and students will be selected through a lottery system.

If your child is selected, registration will be required, and updated immunization records must be provided. If you are interested in having your child participate in this learning experience, please complete the bottom portion of the attached letter below and send an electronic copy to Dolores DelRio at no later than May 20, 2020. You will be notified if your child is selected during the month of June. Unfortunately, we will be unable to notify you if your child is not selected.

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