Hello Parents,
Principal Ryerson sent a message to families this week communicating the CCSD School Board’s approval of the hybrid model for PK-3rd grade. A timeline has not been approved at this point, but the district is gathering information from families to prepare for this transition. You are being asked to complete this survey again, even if you completed it in the fall. You may select a different option than previously selected.
The district has provided a guide of what the classroom will look like and how instruction will be provided in each of the choices you are offered.
We have outlined some of the key points below to assist you in making your decision.
In addition to the below outline a more visual and detailed plan is available at the link below:
Hybrid Model
Students will be placed in cohort A or B and come into the classroom for instruction 2 days a week. (Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday) The size of cohorts A and B will adhere to social distancing requirements and class size ratios determined by the District.
Students will participate in asynchronous instruction (video lessons or online independent work) 3 days a week. They have limited if any live lessons or interaction with their classroom teacher or classmates on these days.
While in class, students will be seated at a desk, 6 feet by 6 feet away from each classmate. Students will be provided individual supplies and will receive instruction while seated at their desk. Supplies (such as Chromebook, pencils, scissors, etc. must be brought to and from school each day)
All students, staff and teachers will wear a mask at all times, with the exception of when they are eating lunch. Lunch will be eaten in the classroom.
Students are allowed a break outside, walking to the playground will need to be done 6 feet apart. Social distancing will be required outside as well.
Grade level classes will not interact. Start/Dismissal times and restroom breaks will be staggered to limit exposure to others.
When the Hybrid model is implemented, it is quite likely that your child will begin with a new class, a new teacher or both.
In the case of COVID exposures, class may be required to shift to a Distance Learning Model. This will be monitored and determined by CCSD Health Services working under the guidance of the Southern Nevada Health District.
If children show up to school with any of the COVID 10 Related symptoms, they will be sent home immediately and must remain at home on Distance Learning for the duration of the quarantine period (currently 10 days, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Distance Learning Model
Students will be placed in cohort C. The size of cohort C will depend on the amount of families that choose the distance learning model.
Students receive instruction online as they are now with a mixture of live lessons and independent learning. (4 days a week) Students will have daily live contact with the same teacher each day. Wednesday will be predominantly Asynchronous and Independent tasks.
Students will continue to receive supplies through deployments.
It is possible that your child will begin with a new class, a new teacher or both.
If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
All Pk-3 grade families will be sent a survey this week. It is expected that schools have 100% participation from all PK-3 families. Please complete the survey at your earliest convenience. We have included a link for the survey in both English and Spanish below.
Please complete the short questionnaire at CCSD Parent Survey by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, January 29, 2021.
Por favor complete el breve cuestionario en CCSD Parent Survey antes de las 6:00 p.m. el viernes, 29 de enero de 2021.
For more information about the hybrid model plan please click the link below for detail outline from the District.