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Registration and 4th - 5th Chromebooks

Gibson Families,

We have some exciting news!  We wanted to let you know that our Goldminers have earned 1,747.7 AR Points so far in the month of April.  Our students took 1506 tests, and passed 1483 of those!  That's a pass rate of 98.5%...evidencing that students are thinking about what they are reading!  Please ensure that your child spends at least 60 minutes a day reading.  Talk to your child about what they are reading and even consider reading with them to form a kind of “book club”. Reading is the single most important learning activity to ensure your child’s academic success. 

We have attached a letter regarding registration for the 2020-21 school year.  Registration opens on Infinite Campus today, so please be sure to go online to register.  Remember, this must be done every year! Instructions for completing your registration are included in the letter, and are posted to our website as well. 

Earlier this week, we received notification from the District that we are able to deploy Chromebooks for home use for our students who do not have access at home.  Gibson ES currently has 70 Chromebooks that we are able to deploy for our 500 students.  We are starting with our fourth and fifth grade students and will progress in grade levels as we are able.  We have put in a request to the Region for additional devices. 

At this time, 4th and 5th grade students who will be issued Chromebooks are being identified in a process with their teachers.  We have scheduled our first deployment for Tuesday, April 21st. DO NOT SHOW UP TO THE SCHOOL TO PICK UP A DEVICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY YOUR TEACHER. Confirmation notices will be sent no later than Monday, April 20th. 

Finally, we encourage all families to complete the US 2020 Census.  U.S. Census Participation.  Please see the following information:

Have you completed your Census form yet? Did you know that filling out the Census directly impacts education funding? If we don’t provide a complete count of our families and students, education funding will go to other states. The 2020 Census is now live to complete at You can also respond by mail if you have received the form or by phone calling 1-844-330-2020 in English or 1-844-468-2020 in Spanish*.

In the 10 minutes it will take you to complete the form, you can impact the federal funds to support our students. Without accurate Census data, the federal government can’t make informed funding decisions to provide Nevada and the Clark County School District the necessary funding to meet the needs of our growing community. That’s why the 2020 Census is more than just a count; it’s an opportunity to shape the next generation.

*For full listing of different phone lines for different languages:

Educationally yours,

The Gibson Team


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