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SOT/PTO Meeting on Oct 7, 2020 2:20pm - 4:00pm

James I. Gibson Elementary School

271 Leisure Circle

P: (702) 799-8730 F: (702) 799-0791

Kristian Ryerson, Principal

Jill Keith, Assistant Principal

School Organizational Team Community Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2020

Time: 2:20 pm

Call-In Details: Becky Nocon (619)218-7195 or email to add agenda items, request speaking time, questions or concerns.


2019-20 Board Members and Gibson Community

SOT Team Members: Schuyler Paulson, Kehaulani Richardson, Melissa Helmink, Beverly Pennant, Kathryn Bosworth, Heather Vincent, Alissa Santa, Becky Nocon

This meeting agenda is posted publicly on the school website at


The School Organizational Team may take items on the agenda out of order; may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to items on the agenda at any time.

Speakers wishing to speak during the public comment period for this meeting may call Becky Nocon (619) 218-7195 or sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed up. NO one may sign up for another person or yield their time to another person. Generally, a person wishing to speak during the comment period will be allowed two (2) minutes to address the School Organizational Team. Speakers may also submit additional comments in writing. It is asked that speakers be respectful to each other, Team Members, the Principal and School District Staff. Speakers that are disruptive will be asked to leave the meeting.

1. New Business

  • New Wednesday PL schedule

  • Budget Updates/Staffing

  • Performance Plan

  • Assessments in the Distance Learning Environment

  • Distance Learning Feedback

  • SOT Board Elections

  • Open Items

  • Q&A

2. Next meeting

  • November 4, 2:20 pm

PTO Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2020

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Google Meet


  • Call to order

  • Approval of minutes

  • Banking update

  • October Events- (Heather Z)

  • Gift Card Drive- (Heather V)

  • Birthday Books- (Theresa C)

  • Fundraising Ideas- (Theresa C)

  • Monthly Family STEM Challenges

  • Open items/ Questions

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