Thank you to the parents, licensed staff, support staff, and community members that serve with their principals on School Organizational Teams (SOTs). The reorganization effort is centered around moving decision making closest to the students and your role is vital in assisting and advising your principals with important decisions.
What is the School Organizational Team?
As prescribed in the law, each school has created a team made up of parents, teachers, support staff, students, and/or community members to assist and advise with many important decisions impacting the school. The team will meet once a month during the school year and be responsible for developing the school’s Strategic Budget and Plan of Operation. Using data to guide key decisions focused on student achievement. They will also have the ability to weigh in on the hiring of a new principal, when required.
Who serves on an SOT?
The Team is comprised of voting and non-voting members.
Voting Members:
Parents—three to six members selected by voting process of school’s parent organization and representing 50% of the voting members (if no parent organization exists, principal will lead selection process)
Licensed Staff—two to four will be selected by staff in a process developed by the association
Non-Licensed Staff—one to two selected by staff in a process developed by the association
Non-Voting Members:
School Principal
Student Representative (secondary schools only)
Community Member (optional)
Anyone can speak!
Speakers wishing to speak during the public comment period for this meeting may call Heather Vincent (702) 287-9653 or sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed up.
James I. Gibson SOT Members:
SOT President: Jennifer Hyde
Secretary: Sherre Smith
2023-24 Board Members and Gibson Community: Jennifer Hyde, Dawn King, Heather Zeni, Sherre Smith, Sharon Palmer, Cheryl Alcaraz
Contact SOT
SOT President - Jennifer Hyde hydej@nv.ccsd.net
James I. Gibson Elementary: (702) 799-8730
SOT CCSD Website